February 18th 2017
Teddy Bear Cove @Cafe Lassa
by Alex, in KonzerteTeddy Bear Cove @Cafe Lassa
English version"Teddy Bear Cove combines the genres of Rock and Roll, Blues, and Classical Music, and anchors them in an energetic and emotional sound with growling vocals, wild cello, and driven rhythm."
- Teddy Bear Cove -
Grooviger Metal trifft auf akustische Instrumente. Deswegen gehört Teddy Bear Cove in diesem Bereich zu meinen Lieblingsbands. Steckt man das ganze noch in ein gemütliches Cafe, vielen verschiednen Bieren und stimmungsvollen Atmosphäre, dann hat man alle Zutaten für einen wundervollen Abend.
Groovy metal meets acoustic instruments. Thats why Teddy Bear Cove is one of my favourite bands in this genre. Put this together with a lot of different beers, moody atmosphere into a cozy bar and you have everything for a perfect evening.
Teddy Bear Cove Facebook
Teddy Bear Cove Facebook