June 25th 2019
Cave In at Chelsea, supported by Amer
by Alex, in KonzerteCave In at Chelsea, supported by Amer
English versionNach Schaffenspausen, Wiedervereinigungen und leider auch einem Schicksalsschlag, kam die 1995 gegründete Band, Cave In, ins Chelsea in Wien. Die Truppe aus Massachusettes, die schon mit Bands wie den Foo Fighters und Muse tourten, hatten ihr brandneues Album "Final Transmission" im Gepäck und spielten ein richtig gutes Konzert. Ein rauer Sound und teilweise ausgeprägte, instrumentale Passagen fühlten sich an, als ob sich die Band Wut und Frust von der Seele spielen wollten. Ihr Musikstil ist ganz schwierig zu beschreiben und bewegt sich für mich im Bereich Hardcore à la Snapcase, mit aber noch vielen anderen Einflüssen. Für alle Liebhaber der härteren Musik ist Cave In eine Band die man gehört und sicher auch Live gesehen haben sollte!Als Support war Amer, eine 5-köpfige Wiener Band, die sich dem Post-Metal verschrieben hat, mit dabei. Ihr gestriger, hoch energetische Auftritt, geprägt von düsterer, schleppender, mit harten, fetten Riffs durchzogener Musik, wurde dann noch mit einer "Low Light" Lichtshow unterstrichen, welche dem Konzert noch den extra Kick gab. Auch wenn man die in ""deutscher Sprache"", sozialkritischen Texte gestern leider nur schwer verstehen konnte, ist das ein Aspekt der mir sehr gut gefallen hat.
After a creative rest, comebacks and unfortunately also a stroke of fate, the band Cave In, which was founded in 1995, came to Chelsea in Vienna. The guys from Massachusetts, who have also been touring with the Foo Fighters, als well as Muse before, had their brand new album "Final Transmission" with them in their luggage, played a really fantastic concert. With their rough sound and distinctive instrumental passages, they imparted the feeling, that they were trying to get all their frustration and anger off their chests. Their musical style is very difficult to describe, but for me it ranges in the genre of Hardcore à la Snapcase, with loads of different effects. For all lovers of hard music, Cave In is a band that you should absolutely check out and also must have seen live at least ones in your lifetime!
As their support, Amer, a 5-person Viennese band, playing Post-Metal, was part of the concert night. Their performance was highly energetic, characterized by grim, sluggish melodies, but also hard, fat guitar riffs, and most importantly accentuated by a "low light" light show, which gave their gig the little extra. One of the parts I liked best about their show were the lyrics, which were sang in ""German language"" and critical of society, even though it was hard to understand them.
As their support, Amer, a 5-person Viennese band, playing Post-Metal, was part of the concert night. Their performance was highly energetic, characterized by grim, sluggish melodies, but also hard, fat guitar riffs, and most importantly accentuated by a "low light" light show, which gave their gig the little extra. One of the parts I liked best about their show were the lyrics, which were sang in ""German language"" and critical of society, even though it was hard to understand them.
Also check out this brilliant guy!
David Robinson Photo
David Robinson Photo