March 8th 2019
SKOLKA and Michael Hanisch at Chelsea Vienna
by Alex, in KonzerteSKOLKA and Michael Hanisch at Chelsea Vienna
English versionSkolka ist eine Reggaeformierung aus dem Weinviertel die es versteht, Reggae, Ska, Polka und freche Balkanbeats mit Texten im Dialekt und fesselnden Brassarrangements zu verbinden. Bei den ersten Klängen kommt sofort gute Stimmung auf und die Leute werden regelrecht zum Tanzen eingeladen.Im ausverkaufen Chelsea war es dann nicht anders. Skolka bot eine schweißtreibende, energievolle Show, welche keine Wünsche offen lies. Angetrieben von Frontfrau Judy und ihrer ausgelassenen Performance, begab sich die Band dann sogar wagemutig mitten ins Publikum. Ein toller Konzertabend laut dem Motto: "Daunzn bis da Kidl fliagt und jeda nua die Musi gspiat!"
Als Support war Michael Hanisch mit dabei. Er verpackt "seine Geschichten der Nacht" in Songs. So bietet er eine bunte, unterhaltsame Mischung in Form einer One-Man-Show, der er dabei seinen ganz eigenen Touch verleiht. Ein Stil, der sich nur schwer beschreiben lässt, sich aber irgendwo zwischen "klassischem" Singer-Songwriter und Blues/Country befindet und dabei noch mit vielseitigen Gitarrensounds aufgewertet wird.
Einen kleinen Wermutstropfen gab es dann aber noch und es ist mir wichtig das einmal zu sagen:
"Gewährt den Künstlern auf der Bühne den Respekt den sie verdienen, und verlegt lautstarke Gespräche einfach an die Bar!"
Skolka is a reggae formation from the Lower Austrian Weinviertel, that knows how to combine reggae, ska, polka and fresh Balkan beats with dialect lyrics and brass arrangements. With the first sounds the mood increases and the crowd is downright invited to dance.
At the sold out Chelsea it was just like that. Skolka offered an energetic show, which didn't leave any wishes unfulfilled. Driven by front woman Judy and her high-spirited performance the band even made their way into the audience daringly. A great concert evening with the motto in their Austrian dialect: "Daunzn bis da Kidl fliagt und jeda nua die Musi gspiagt!", which means "Lets dance until the dust flies and everyone is feeling nothing but the music!".
The band was supported by Michael Hanisch. He wraps his "stories of the night" in songs. So he offers a colorful, entertaining mixture in form of a one-man-show, which he is giving a very unique touch. His style is hard to describe, but is situated somewhere between that of a "classic" singer-songwriter and the genre of blues/country and is upgraded by versatile guitar sounds.
There was a little downer though and it's important to me to say it:
At the sold out Chelsea it was just like that. Skolka offered an energetic show, which didn't leave any wishes unfulfilled. Driven by front woman Judy and her high-spirited performance the band even made their way into the audience daringly. A great concert evening with the motto in their Austrian dialect: "Daunzn bis da Kidl fliagt und jeda nua die Musi gspiagt!", which means "Lets dance until the dust flies and everyone is feeling nothing but the music!".
The band was supported by Michael Hanisch. He wraps his "stories of the night" in songs. So he offers a colorful, entertaining mixture in form of a one-man-show, which he is giving a very unique touch. His style is hard to describe, but is situated somewhere between that of a "classic" singer-songwriter and the genre of blues/country and is upgraded by versatile guitar sounds.
There was a little downer though and it's important to me to say it:
"Grant the artists on stage the respect they are entitled to and relocate loud conversations to the bar!"