June 6th 2019
Sinkane at FLUC
by Alex, in KonzerteSinkane at FLUC
English versionBeim gestrigen FM4 Überraschungskonzert mit Sinkane, im Wiener FLUCging es heiß zur Sache. Mit "Dépaysé", einem brandneuem Album im Gepäck, machte die Truppe rund um den amerikanisch-sudanesischen Musiker Ahmed Gallab richtig Stimmung und lud die Überraschungskonzertbesucher zum Tanzen ein. Mit ihrer fröhlich klingenden, rockigen Musik und Einflüssen von Reggae und traditionellen afrikanischen Klängen versprühten sie sudanesisches Flair und verwandelten das Fluc in eine Sauna.Bevor die Band ihre neue Single, "Ya, Sudan" spielte, bat er das Publikum sich über die aktuelle Lage im Sudan zu informieren und so auf die Missstände einer langjährigen islamistische Militärdiktatur aufmerksam machen.
At the FM4 Überraschungsconcert, which took place last Wednesday at FLUC, the surprise act Sinkane put on a hot show. Presenting
Before they performed their newest single „Ya, Sudan", Gallab asked the crowd to do some research about the present situation of the Sudan, to draw some attention to the abuses of a Islamist military regime, that has been lasting for a years now already.
, their brand new album, the band around the American-Sudanese musician Ahmed Gallab heated up the crowd and made everybody in the room dance friskily. They infected the audience with their Sudanese atmosphere and turned the FLUC into a sauna, by playing happy sounding, rocky music with a touch of Reggae, as well as traditional African sounds. Before they performed their newest single „Ya, Sudan", Gallab asked the crowd to do some research about the present situation of the Sudan, to draw some attention to the abuses of a Islamist military regime, that has been lasting for a years now already.